Pascal Blockchain
4 min readAug 7, 2019

PascalCoin Account DATA protocol[PIP–0024]: Towards an enhanced data management and data exchange.

Despite the common correlation of blockchain technology with cryptocurrencies, gaming and exchanges, data storage and data management remains one of the major application of the blockchain technology.

From a mere immutable data storage system to a giant and reliable data management system. The blockchain data storage and management abilities seems limitless—if properly harnessed. The sort of data which can be handled by the blockchain systems is also limitless, from everyday record of personal events to a portable data storage system for financial, health and political systems, hence the high crave for infinite scalability.

Pascal blockchain, renowned for continuous enhancement of its blockchain’s data storage and management abilities have extended the blockchain technology applicability with it’s Pascal Improvement Plan 24 [PIP–0024]—Account DATA protocol which is developed as part of the proposals for version 5(V5) protocol implementation.

What is an Account DATA protocol?

The Account DATA is a protocol which allows PascalCoin Accounts (PASA) contain a 32byte data field which can be changed by the account owner. This allows users to store a data field in their account; this introduces a new form of decentralization and data management abilities to the Pascal blockchain and with the PIP–0016(ID for in-protocol Data exchange) which allows clean enveloping of layer-2 protocols inside layer-1, hence facilitating data exchange between accounts; the Account DATA protocol not only presents a decentralized data management system but also enables data exchange/distribution through peer-to-peer networks.

The Account DATA protocol is designed to enable economic use of the blockchain storage capacity to ensure infinite scalability and sustenance of the continuous increase in the amount of data stored on the blockchain, to achieve this, each account will only grow by approximately 9 bytes (1 byte data-size, 8 bytes for data pointer). This adds under 10MB to the current SafeBox size. Since only a small subset of accounts will ever use this feature, the SafeBox growth will be negligible. In the unlikely event that all accounts store full data immediately, the SafeBox would only grow by ~50MB. Hence, there’s much space for maximum growth of data.

What does the Account DATA protocol hope to offer?

Concept of personal/private owned and distributable database: By storing the HASH of a database in an Account, the account owner can serve as an authority of that database without being required to store, propagate or publically identify themselves. The task of distributing the database can be delegated to a separate peer-to-peer network and the account data used by that network to validate the database (simply by comparing the HASH(DATABASE) = Account.Data). Hence the data stored in the individual accounts can be distributed over peer-to-peer networks, the account owner however serves as an authority and controls the flow of the database this enables a federated database usecase which can be used by an institutions to store and distribute data while retaining authority over the data.

Decentralized database: As opposed to the previously described federated database, it is possible to have a database without an authority. In this usecase, a Proof-Of-Stake overlay network can serve as an authority over "null accounts". A null account is simply an account with a NULL public key (and optionally a specific type number, such as 65535). Instead of digital signatures being required to authorise operations from this account, a STAKE PROOF is used instead. The STAKE PROOF must contain the digital signatures of a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) overlay network conforming to an accepted PoS algorithm (such as DPoS). In this manner, truly decentralised and anonymous databases can be used to power Ethereum-style smart-contracts that scale horizontally and independently of each other.

Database certification and Data distribution over P2P networks: By storing the HASH of an entire file or file-system, it is possible for an account owner (or a PoS network) to "notarise data". The data itself can be distributed via a segregated P2P network (such as BitTorrent). With these relatively minor and simple modifications, it will be possible to deliver the functionality of MAIDSAFE without the extraordinary technical effort such undertakings currently require.

The Account DATA protocol presents much more usecases geared towards data ownership, management, distribution and exchange on the blockchain.

Already developed as part of the Version5 protocol implementation improvement proposals, the Account Data protocol add yet another bulk of quality and applicability, not only to the Pascal blockchain but to blockchain technology as a whole

More on the Account Data protocol…

PIP–0024~Pascalcoin github

Account DATA protocol implementation~github

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Pascal Blockchain

Written by Pascal Blockchain

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