Pascal V5 protocol opportunities: Improved mining facility.
Get those miners to work! Join the pool, hit the pedal… whichever way you choose to do it, Proof of Work (POW) cryptocurrencies unarguably brings the most fun and excitement in the blockchain technology.
Mining those blocks and getting rewarded for each and everyone of them, getting the payouts from the mining pools and contributing actively to the running of the blockchain, these events not only makes for active participation in cryptocurrency but also provides a better economic solution to cryptocurrency price instability. Investing in mining cryptocurrencies adds value to the tokens a miner is rewarded after a successful win of a block.
Miners are the lifeblood of a Proof of work blockchain, such blockchain only dies when all miners and pools shuts down their operations, in the absence of this, the blockchain lives. Miners are hence an important part of a POW blockchain ecosystem, not only do they keep the tokens in circulation, they also influence the general economy of the concerned blockchain, sustaining the miners hence becomes vital to every POW project.
Pascal blockchain is no different to this concept, being an amazing POW blockchain and providing an encouraging mining platform with an encouraging return on mining investments, numerous miners have kept the blockchain alive by mining the blocks as well as getting rewards in the traditional pascal blockchain token (PASC).
However, with the initial mining ecosystem, the miners of Pascal had to deal with issues of mining centralization by a single mining pool and also miners of memory hard coins also mining pascal as a secondary coin. The mining centralization and the dual miners issue rocked the Pascal mining system and not only miners had to suffer from this, the Pascal network economy also face some problems of stability and sustainability.
Mining a coin as just a Secondary coin gives a miner more leverage to cover mining costs by selling off the secondary coin and keeping the primary coin, hence running zero loss on mining investments while interrupting the economy of the secondary coin by selling it off at any cost, of course it was mined for fun.
Maintaining the supremacy of Pascal coin became vital and restoring the decentralization of mining on the Pascal blockchain was as well important.
Pascal developers solved these two issues with just one clever and impressive move–The RandomHash.
With the major cause of the mining issues being the ability of GPU miners who mine other memory-hard to mine Pascal which requires lesser computational power and being GPU friendly; the RandomHash protocol was developed to ward off the effects of GPU miners and shift the mining power to the CPU miners while also ensuring that mining can be actively done by numerous miners independently.
The RandomHash is a GPU and ASIC resistant high-level cryptographic hash algorithm which serially combines other well-known hash primitives, with the RandomHash, calculations for a nonce are dependent on partial calculations of other randomly selected nonces, this successfully shifts the mining ecosystem from the parallel hashers to the serial hashers.
The calculation for a nonce a nonce for a parallel miner is done as the mining proceeds in contrast to the serial miner where the optimal-nonce set can be precalculated, parallel hashers are hence required to perform the workload for every nonce, the serial miner thus benefits more from the RandomHash protocol as the pascal mining environment shifts its preference to the serial miners (CPU hashers).
The RandomHash protocol have since it’s development sustained the pascal miners and retained the supremacy of Pascal as any miner will now have to mine it as a primary coin and hence maintaining interest which also sustains the economy. However, with the V5 protocol implementation, the RandomHash protocol is about to get better with the introduction of the RandomHash 2.
How the RandomHash 2 improves from the RandomHash.
Improved validation hashrate:In validation mode, RandomHash is simply used to hash a block-header in order to verify it’s position in a blockchain in a similar fashion as SHA2-256D in bitcoin, however, the RandomHash 2 improves impressively from the RandomHash 1 by validating hashes at the rate of over 400 hashes per second as compared to the RandomHash 1 which validates hashes at the rate of 23 hashes per second. At 288 blocks per day, it takes 14 seconds to validate a days worth of blocks and over 1 hour to validate 1 year of blocks!.
Improved mining hashrate: In mining mode, RandomHash is used to mine the next block-header by enumerating many nonces to find an acceptable Proof-of-Work solution for the next block. The RandomHash 2 mines at an amazing rate of over 2000 hashes per second, this is an impressive improvement from RandomHash 1 which mines at just over 40 hashes per second.
Reduction in memory-hardness: The improvements on validation and mining hashrates should expectedly increase the memory consumption per action, however this surprisingly isn’t the case with the RandomHash 2, the RandomHash 2 also improves the memory-hardness of Pascal mining, the RandomHash consumes over 5 million bytes per hash validation and over 7 million bytes per mining, this amounts to about 5MB and 7MB respectively, the RandomHash 2 in contrast consumes a petty 16kb per validation and 74kb per mining. This reduces the memory-hardness of Pascal mining to a great extent.
Stronger GPU and ASIC resistance: To provide GPU and ASIC resistance, the RandomHash 1 uses 18 internal hash algorithms to transform the data. The RandomHash 2 also improves from this and offers a much increased resistance by using 77 internal hash algorithms to transform data.
The opportunities: Merits of the RandomHash 2
With improved mining facility and environment, the RandomHash 2 coming to pascal blockchain with the V5 protocol offers several opportunities and advantages to pascal miners through the following means…
Overall improved mining ecosystem : Now you can do better! The RandomHash 2 features are all geared towards improving the conditions of mining pascal, this is not only to suit the miners who mine mainly pascal coin, but also to sustain the economy of the Pascal network. With an improved validation and mining hashrates, and also a highly reduced memory-hardness, the RandomHash 2 makes pascal mining more efficient and interesting.
Miners protection : The RandomHash 2 not only improves the efficiency of mining on the Pascal blockchain, it also protects the primary miners by improving the GPU and ASIC resistant hashing algorithm, with over 4 times increase in resistance specifications from the initial RandomHash 1, the RandomHash reaffirms its preference for serial(CPU) miners while making the mining ecosystem more unfavorable for GPU miners. This is to improve interest in mining pascal as the primary coin.
Pascal supremacy: Supremacy from all angles comes from being the primary drive of interest, this also applies in this case, the RandomHash initiated the move for Pascal supremacy, the RandomHash 2 is introduced to improve on the achievements of the RandomHash 1, hence a better resistance which crushes the dual miners dilemma and decentralizes pascal will only make Pascal a primary coin of choice and miners will have to mine Pascal and pascal alone.
Economic stability : An improved interest drives an improved price action and an improved economic system, investing to mine a coin only means a better value for the mines coins and a lower chance of dump action by miners. Due to the absence of a pre-mine, all pascal coins in circulation were mined, hence, the miners completely drives the price dynamic (together with the market itself). Improving the mining efficiency and supremacy makes for a better economy of the Pascal network.
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